Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Recent works by Patrick Crouch

A student at Sac State Patrick Crouch creates an interesting exhibition surrounding the human consumption of animals. Given the current time, the condiment of our homes I can't help but relate to this exhibition which was open prior to the lockdown in California, to the current events taking place. The artist here creates very bold and direct content about the meat production industry and how the mass consumption of these animals leads to one golden nugget, a symbol for what humans desire disregarding the cost that it takes to mass-produce.

 Creating powerful images whit simple black shadows of the figures being processed through an assembly line style of a factory. Patrick creates a dark mood where we can see the cost of our actions.

 With clocks made of bones the artist hint at a time factor on this process. These clocks placed around the walls of the gallery are a reminder to the viewer that the topic at hand has "shelf life". The artist is referring to what I assume is humanity's shelf life as these styles of ticking clocks being marked by red paint symbolizing blood; it reminds me more of a doomsday clock.

 The same blood underneath the golden nugget can tie into the blood on the clocks, stating that these over consumerism and mass production of things leads to a not very happy ending.
After attending this exhibition and then going into quarantine due to the global pandemic of the Covid-19 virus (Corona Virus) It was really scary to think that the clock had stopped. A bit of a pessimistic and extreme thought but never the less something that crossed my mind. This is a unique exhibition and it is a unique time to be living in.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really powerful piece and its really creative, It actually reminds me a lot of the piece Prof O'Brien showed in class this week by Kara Walker. The message is a strong and disturbing one but necessary in this time. I like that you tied your analysis to the current covid quarantine and put a personal observation to your analysis.
